Kamis, 30 April 2009

selena and taylor?

Selena Gomez is currently in Canada filming Ramona and Beezus, while Taylor Lautner is working on New Moon.

Taylor has been visiting her on set while she is on her lunch break while she isn’t shooting.

UN selesaiii!

setelah 4 hari yang melelahkann
UN selesai juga...


jonas brothers new cover album picture!

The JoBros are looking hot as usual but who do you think looks the hotest in the album picture? Nick, Joe, or Kevin Jonas?

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Avril Lavigne Launches Her Fragrance: “Me in a Bottle”

Pop’s punky princess Avril Lavigne hit London to launch her first-ever fragrance, Black Star, with P&G Prestige. Hosted at the aptly named Punk in Oxford Circus, the star dished about the creative process behind the pink hibiscus, black plum and dark chocolate scent. “I wanted to make sure the fragrance was really me — me in a bottle,” she said. American fans still have a wait to find out precisely what Avril smells like as Black Star won’t launch in U.S. stores until this fall. Tell us: Will you spritz on Avril’s scent?

about 5 fun facts celebs


Anne Hathaway: Five Fun Facts

  1. Anne Hathaway kept the butt pads she wore to become a ''Fat Size 6'' as fashion assistant Andy in The Devil Wears Prada. "I have every good intention to have it framed," she told Harper's Bazaar, "and have a little plaque underneath it that says, ANDY'S ASS."
  2. At 15, Anne Hathaway had her first professional audition. "I'd take a train, go into the city and smile for a Cheez Whiz commercial," she told the New York Times in 2002. "I really didn't find it fulfilling."
  3. Anne Hathaway played her first princess role in 1998, in her high school's production of Once Upon a Mattress.
  4. After training extensively as a soprano, Anne Hathaway performed as a member of the All-Eastern United States High School Honors Chorus at New York City's Carnegie Hall in 1999.
  5. Anne Hathaway was originally cast in Katherine Heigl's role for the hit comedy Knocked Up. But she backed out "because it was going to show a vagina – not mine, but somebody else's. And I didn't believe that it was actually necessary to the story," she told Marie Claire in 2007.
Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale: Five Fun Facts

  1. Ashley Tisdale wore silver Doc Marten boots to her junior prom with pink shoelaces underneath a bright fuchsia dress with six layers of tulle.
  2. Ashley Tisdale used to ride horses in competition. "Nobody really knows that," she told Girls' Life magazine. "I stopped at, like, 13.".
  3. As a tween, Ashley Tisdale had major crushes on the Backstreet Boys and Hanson: "I actually was into Zack Hanson back in the day."
  4. Ashley Tisdale has a maltipoo named Blondie, which also happens to be her nickname on The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.
  5. Ashley Tisdale is the first female artist to ever debut with two songs simultaneously on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. Both were songs from the High School Musical soundtrack.
Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne: Five Fun Facts

  1. Avril Lavigne learned how to use a Weedwacker at age 12 and earned $15 a yard as a lawn landscaper.
  2. In 1999, Avril Lavigne won a radio contest to sing a duet with Shania Twain in Ottawa. "As soon as I walked out in front of 20,000 people, I'd never smiled so much in my life – it was like perma-smile," she told EW. "I thought, 'this is what I'm going to do with my life.'"
  3. Avril Lavigne earned ''Most Valuable Player'' honors two years in a row as the right-wing on a Napanee, Ontario hockey team. She once beat up a goalie and said of the experience, "It was awesome!"
  4. Though her style sense has changed since her early career, Avril Lavigne still loves to wear black nail polish.
  5. On Avril Lavigne's wedding day, her chauffeur drove her to the wrong California estate, where another wedding was being held. Thankfully, the driver of her vintage Rolls Royce quickly found the right location.
David Archuleta

David Archuleta: Five Fun Facts

  1. David Archuleta's American Idol idol is Season One's Tamyra Gray. "I was like, 'I want to do that!'" he told PEOPLE.
  2. David Archuleta once serenaded American Idol's first season finalists, including winner Kelly Clarkson, with Jennifer Holliday's "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going." "I'd sing that song 300 times a day for months," he told PEOPLE.
  3. When he went back home to Murray, Utah while on Idol, more than 10,000 fans packed the Murray High School football field to see the 17-year-old junior. Cheerleader Sarah Tucker called him "the biggest thing Murray ever had."
  4. Clay Aiken's got the "Claymates." Taylor Hicks has "the Soul Patrol." And David Archuleta's fans call themselves, "The Archies."
  5. Former teen heartthrob and fellow Utah native Donny Osmond gave David Archuleta advice. "Just enjoy the process because it is 15 minutes of fame, so enjoy every [one] of those 15 minutes," he recalled to the AP.
Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato: Five Fun Facts

  1. Demi Lovato won her coveted role in the Disney Channel's Camp Rock after singing Christina Aguilera's "Ain't No Other Man" for a group of Disney executives.
  2. Of NOT having a crush on the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato told the Washington Post, "I think I'm, like, the only girl in America who doesn't. It's kinda weird because you're hanging out with your friends and all of a sudden there's hundreds of girls screaming at them and you're like . . . why?"
  3. So who is Demi Lovato's dream duet? "I hope to do a collaboration with Kelly Clarkson. [She] has been my idol growing up. [That] would be the biggest dream come true."
  4. Despite reports of a feud, Miley Cyrus shelled out some tips for success to Demi Lovato at a Disney concert. "She was like, 'I hope you're very successful,'" Lovato said.
  5. Demi Lovato thinks Hilary Duff has been a great role model. "I'm sure she made mistakes, but you never saw them," Lovato told EW. "I think it's really cool that someone can grow up and continue to be looked up to by young girls."
Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere: Five Fun Facts

  1. Hayden Panettiere told USA Today that Heroes costar Adrian Pasdar gave her these words of wisdom: "Always wear my undershorts, never go nude or buzz my head. Unless it's for an Oscar."
  2. When Heroes was picked-up by NBC for a full season in 2006, Hayden Panettiere bought herself a Porsche Cayenne SUV. "I almost ran over Kanye West this morning!" she told Entertainment Weekly.
  3. After filming 2005's Racing Stripes in South Africa, Hayden Panettiere chose to stay in Africa to complete her freshman year of high school. She also learned how to ride a zebra on set.
  4. When Hayden Panettiere moved to L.A., she found a friend in Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughter Rumer. "I stole my pink belly-button ring from Rumer,"she told PEOPLE
  5. Although she plays a cheerleader onscreen, Hayden Panettiere only cheered for one game as a kid, "but it was the only game our team won that year!" she told Parade in 2007.
Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff: Five Fun Facts

  1. Hilary Duff got a dental makeover, complete with veneers, after reportedly chipping her teeth on a microphone during a performance.
  2. Hilary Duff's hockey player boyfriend, Mike Comrie, bought her an early 20th birthday present: a Mercedes-Benz G-class SUV (retail price: more than $ 100,000). "I opened the garage, and I was just like shocked, just standing there," she told PEOPLE.
  3. Hilary Duff has her own celebrity doll, and she also designed its clothes. Duff the doll wears a polka-dot dress with a red sash.
  4. For the satire War, Inc., Hilary Duff played an Eastern European pop star, Yonica Babyyeah. "I had to sing off-key," she told PEOPLE, "But the accent made it easy."
  5. Hilary Duff and her pet Chihuahua Lola appear in the video game, The Sims 2: Pets.
Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers: Five Fun Facts

  1. The Jonas Brothers wear purity rings as a symbol of their mutual pact to remain celibate until marriage. "It's a personal decision," Nick told PEOPLE in the magazine's Jonas Brothers Special Collector's Edition. "It's another way for us to be different."
  2. As a kid, Nick Jonas "had this Batman costume that I wore all the time," he told PEOPLE. "It was awesome. I would run around in my backyard and be Batman."
  3. The Jonas Brothers' youngest brother, Frankie, is often referred to as "the Bonus Jonas." But the littlest JoBro – who has his own band, Webline – is nicknamed, "Frank the Tank." "I have it engraved on a brass ring I got at Disney World," he told PEOPLE.
  4. Joe Jonas' favorite fan gift is a hippo. "Someone adopted it for us at a wildlife reserve," he told PEOPLE. "It's named Jonas Brothers."
  5. As a kid, Kevin Jonas was teased about his ears. "They made fun of my Spock ears," he told PEOPLE. "I was such a dork." He also revealed that he has "freckles in the form of a star" on his neck.
Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart: Five Fun Facts

  1. Kristen Stewart was recommended for the Twilight role of Bella by Into the Wild costar Emile Hirsch. Hirsch had previously worked with the vampire flick's director Catherine Hardwicke on Lords of Dogtown.
  2. Kristen Stewart and Twilight costar Robert Pattinson used Last Tango in Paris as the inspiration for their onscreen romance.
  3. Kristen Stewart's family has pet wolves.
  4. Kristen Stewart sang and played guitar in Into the Wild. During her audition with director Sean Penn, "I played 'Blackbird,' and I botched it. But he called me later and said, 'Do you want to do this?' And I was like–'yeah!'" she told The Detroit News.
  5. To prepare for a role as a stripper in indie flick Welcome to the Rileys, Kristen Stewart learned how to pole dance by visiting a New Orleans strip club. "I danced on the bar there three nights this week, and my legs are covered in bruises," she told EW.
Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester: Five Fun Facts

  1. Leighton Meester was a blonde before going brunette to audition for Gossip Girl. "They said, 'Please, you can't wear a wig.' So I dyed my hair before I even got the part. That's a big deal but I'm glad I did!" Meester told the AP.
  2. Leighton Meester, who has aspirations to release an album, recorded a song for the soundtrack of her 2007 horror-comedy film Drive-Thru.
  3. Although her Gossip Girl character, Blair Waldorf, is often labeled a bitch, Leighton Meester says she relates to Blair. "Blair's shortcomings are because of her insecurities," Meester told the AP. "She feels all this pressure to be perfect: to be the most beautiful, the most popular, the most loved."
  4. Gossip Girl shoots on the same stage occupied for ten years by HBO's The Sopranos at Silvercup Studios in Queens, N.Y.
  5. Leighton Meester loves Valentino, who, she told WWD, "is one who never misses." But she wouldn't drop cash on fashion like her character Blair: "I would never just walk into the Valentino boutique and go, 'I'm gonna take this leopard-print gown.' You can never wear it again, it's so memorable. You'd want to borrow it for the red carpet."
Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan: Five Fun Facts

  1. Lindsay Lohan turned down Rachel McAdams' part in Mean Girls. "I couldn't be that mean on screen yet," she told Allure. "My very young fan base would have hated it."
  2. Lindsay Lohan's favorite room service meal? "You can't go wrong with chicken fingers at a Holiday Inn," she tells In Style.
  3. Lindsay Lohan admires the fashion sense of her replicas, calling her ''My Scene Goes Hollywood'' doll, "chic" and "Parisian," while her Madame Tussaud's wax figure is decked out in Chloé.
  4. Lindsay Lohan bought a $1.9 million, 2,100-sq.-ft., three-bedroom condo just off Sunset Strip in 2005, but never moved in. She sold it a year later.
  5. Lindsay Lohan's favorite workout regimen is push-ups. "I'll just drop and do them," she told PEOPLE. "People think I'm a little bit crazy for it, but I've gotten pretty good
Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus: Five Fun Facts

  1. Despite her own substantial earnings, Miley Cyrus still gets a $300 monthly allowance from her dad.
  2. Miley Cyrus' non-star character on Hannah Montana is also named Miley, but was supposed to be named Chloe.
  3. Hannah Montana weighs heavily on Miley Cyrus, specifically the character-switching wig: "It's so itchy, and anytime it gets wet, it weighs 20 pounds."
  4. Miley Cyrus wears a special ring, but not that kind: "My dad gave this to my mom and my mom gave it to me."
  5. Miley Cyrus' parents made a deal that she live at home until she's 20. The agreement included adding a hip Miley-tailored section to the house with a separate bedroom and sitting room.
Milo Ventimiglia

Milo Ventimiglia: Five Fun Facts

  1. Milo Ventimiglia has a birth defect: his self-described "crooked" mouth, which he explains as dead nerves causing his lower lip to lie limp. "It's so cute," Heroes costar Hayden Panettiere tells USA Today. "It's a flaw, and I hate perfection more than anything in the world."
  2. When Milo Ventimiglia was struggling to make it as an actor, he had a backup plan: "I thought about ditching it to be a mechanic," he told PEOPLE in 2008.
  3. In 2000, Milo Ventimiglia traveled solo through Europe, where he spent his 23rd birthday in the small town of Ventimiglia, Italy, where his surname originated.
  4. Milo Ventimiglia lived with Gossip Girl's Penn Badgley when the two costarred on The Bedford Diaries.
  5. Of his Heroes character's occupation as a male hospice worker, Milo Ventimiglia said, "I showed up for the cast photo shoot with scrubs on and Greg Grunberg's in his cop outfit, standing tall, hand on his gun, and I'm like, 'Oh man, I'm a murse [''male nurse'']. Not a doctor, a nurse.'"

Rihanna: Five Fun Facts

  1. Rihanna is extremely proud of her booty. "I keep working at it as I want it to be perfect," she told the News of the World's Fabulous magazine. "It makes my clothes look good – and guys like it!"
  2. After signing to Jay-Z's Def Jam Records in 2004, Rihanna was excited to meet one of her idols. "[Beyoncé] wrote me a note that said, 'When you get onstage, just let loose. Have fun. You're in control,'" she told Rolling Stone.
  3. Rihanna made a cameo appearance in the 2006 cheerleading romp, Bring It On: All or Nothing, which starred Hayden Panettiere.
  4. Rihanna was inspired by Brandy's 2004 album, Afrodisiac, when she worked on her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad. "When I was in the studio that was the album that I listened to all the time and I really admired that every song was a great song," Rihanna told Entertainment Weekly.
  5. Rihanna was presented with the 2007 Venus Breeze ''Celebrity Legs of a Goddess'' award by Gilette. She insured her legs for $1 million and told PEOPLE they were her main focus when exercising.
Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez: Five Fun Facts

  1. Both Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas wear promise rings as a symbol of chastity. "That was something we bonded over," Gomez told PEOPLE.
  2. Selena Gomez is a budding chef, whose specialty is chicken with Hawaiian teriyaki sauce. "If she cooks, I clean," her mother Mandy Teefey told PEOPLE. "If I cook, she cleans."
  3. Camp Rock star Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez are BFFs. "She's been my best friend since I was 7 years old and we did 'Barney' together," she told the AP.
  4. Selena Gomez, a self-described "shoe girl," spends her $150-250 weekly allowance at Aldo and Forever 21.
  5. Miley Cyrus considered her YouTube parody of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato a compliment. "Elvis says imitation's the greatest form of flattery," Cyrus told Popstar! magazine. "I mean if we offended (Gomez and Lovato), we’re super sorry, but we were, like, just having fun."
Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens: Five Fun Facts

  1. After Hawaiian vacation photos of Vanessa Hudgens and High School Musical costar Zac Efron were published in 2007, fans dubbed the two "Zanessa" and posted dozens of YouTube video tributes to the tween power couple.
  2. Vanessa Hudgens admitted to Tyra Banks that she "loves" Matt Damon. "I was 14 years old and I met him. I completely freaked out. Like, I did to him what my fans do to me. I was like, 'Ohmigosh, I love you so much, can I have your autograph?'"
  3. Vanessa Hudgens has three closets dedicated entirely to shoes. Her favorites are Christian Louboutin stilettos.
  4. While dating teen heartthrob Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens has had to contend with her feelings about his ubiquitous groupies. "I am, the girl who will get jealous," she told PEOPLE in 2006.
  5. Along with real-life love Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens won a 2006 Teen Choice Award for best on-screen chemistry in High School Musical.
Zac Efron

Five Fun Facts

  1. Growing up, Zac Efron had a crush on Tyra Banks. "She was the first poster I had on my wall. I had it on my ceiling!" he told Seventeen. "And I had a bunk bed, so she was, like, really close. It was the famous purple bathing suit shot."
  2. Not all of Zac Efron's vocals in High School Musical belong to him. "I didn't even sing on the first album," Efron tells Rolling Stone. "It wasn't my voice in the movie. Even though I wanted to do it...I felt extremely guilty."
  3. Zac Efron says no to sex scenes. "I want to save a little bit of that young image that I've earned from the Disney Channel," he told The San Luis Obispo Tribune.
  4. Zac Efron was Punk'd in April 2007 by High School Musical costar Ashley Tisdale and Ashton Kutcher. The set-up: He was accused of letting men steal a cash box from a clothing store.
  5. Zac Efron was scheduled to attend his first year at USC, but deferred after landing his HSM role.

robert pattinson

early 2000s

Stage Presence

Pattinson attends Harrodian School, a noted institution for drama, and joins the Barnes Theater Club after befriending a group of female drama students while out to dinner with his father. In 2003, Pattinson meets with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire director Mike Newell before flying to South Africa to film the TV movie Ring of the Nibelungs. Upon arriving home, he lands the role of Hogwarts hunk Cedric Diggory.


Robert Pattinson

November 18

How Harry Met Cedric

Pattinson skyrockets to international fame as ill-fated Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. "The day before I was just sitting in Leicester Square, happily being ignored by everyone," he says at the film's London premiere. "Then suddenly strangers are screaming your name. Amazing!" Director Newell says, "Pattinson was born to play the role; he's quintessentially English with chiseled public-schoolboy good looks."


Robert Pattinson

July 18

Bloody Gorgeous

From handsome wizard to dashing vampire, Pattinson covers EW as Edward Cullen, the immortal hero of Twilight, with costar Kristen Stewart. Portraying the brooding vampire, described as "devastatingly inhumanly beautiful" in author Stephenie Meyer's Twilight book series, came with daunting expectations for Pattinson. "I stopped reading [blogs] after I saw the signatures saying 'Please, anyone else,'" the actor says of "Twilighters" initially protesting his casting.

Robert Pattinson

November 14

The Face of Twilight

As the film's highly-anticipated release draws nearer, EW publishes a second Twilight issue with three collectible covers in response to the first cover's polarizing feedback. The ever-increasing buzz surrounding Twilight thrusts little-known Pattinson further into the spotlight. "I asked the producer, 'Is Rob ready for this? Have you guys prepped him? Is he ready to be the It Guy?'" Twilight author Meyer tells the magazine. "I don't think he really is. I don't think he sees himself that way. And I think the transition is going to be a little rocky."

Robert Pattinson

November 21

Twilight Takes Bite Out of Box Office

"Twilighters" come out in droves for the film's release, making it the weekend's No. 1 film with $69.6 million. The movie's monumental success leads Summit Entertainment to green light the onscreen adaptation of Meyer's second Twilight novel, New Moon, with Pattinson and Kristen Stewart returning to star. "Props to Stewart and Pattinson for playing this uncool-girl-meets-undead-boy story with genuine romantic ardor," raves Rolling Stone. "You buy the fantasy because Pattinson goes beyond dreamboat duty to create a character you believe in."


Robert Pattinson

April 12

Interview with the Vampire

A swoon-worthy Pattinson covers GQ’s April issue, but the magazine reveals Hollywood's reigning heartthrob didn't always render people so smitten. "There was a call from the head of the studio," Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke says about execs questioning Pattinson's casting as Edward Cullen. "'Are you sure you can make this guy handsome?'" Fortunately for fans, Hardwicke won out, and says of the star, "He's obviously ridiculously photogenic, but he's also so talented…I see him creating stylized, odd, wild, fantastical characters."

Robert Pattinson: Five Fun Facts

  1. Robert Pattinson was often taken advantage of by his older siblings. "Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'!" the actor told the BBC.
  2. Robert Pattinson became known to his fans as 'Spunk Ransom' after admitting he disliked his name. "I hate any reference to my name," he told MTV. "I wish people would just completely invent a new one." 'Spunk Ransom' was Pattinson's suggested alternative.
  3. Robert Pattinson, who plays piano and guitar, has two songs featured in Twilight. "I cried the first time I heard the two songs," director Catherine Hardwicke told MTV. "They're deep; they're very soulful."
  4. While filming Twilight, Robert Pattinson injured himself on his very first shot. "I wasn't even doing a stunt. I was just trying to pick up Kristen Stewart and I almost tore my hamstring because I hadn't been doing enough squats," the actor told the Los Angeles Times. "It was very embarrassing."
  5. While on the Twilight set, an enthusiastic fan asked a crew member to bring her baby on set and have Robert Pattinson take a photo with the child. "So there's a photo of me like biting a baby's head," he said.

taylor swift 5 fun facts


  1. At 11, Taylor Swift took her demo of karaoke songs door-to-door in Nashville. "My mom waited in the car while I knocked on doors up and down Music Row," she recalled to EW. "I would say, 'Hi, I'm Taylor. I'm 11. I want a record deal. Call me.'"
  2. Taylor Swift's breakout hit, "Tim McGraw," was inspired by her ex-boyfriend. "He bought the album and said he really loved it, which is sweet," she told USA Today. "His current girlfriend isn't too pleased with it, though."
  3. Taylor Swift is the youngest person ever to solely write and sing a No. 1 country song, "Our Song."
  4. Taylor Swift took a stab at ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas in a MySpace video after he reportedly broke up with her via phone. "See, this one even comes with a phone," she said while displaying a Jonas Camp Rock doll. "So he can break up with other dolls."
  5. The first thing Taylor Swift did when she turned 18: "I registered to vote online in my pajamas."

Pattinson & Stewart: Is the Romance Real?

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson AP Photo/Richard Drew

With the filming of New Moon under way in Vancouver, the newest batch of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart romance rumors should start rolling out any day now.

Even though the two laugh off the persistent claims of a real-life love affair, that hasn't stopped many from thinking otherwise.

So what's really going on? Their costars have some ideas…

Edi Gathegi, who plays Laurent, tells me the cast and crew have pretty much ignored the gossip.

"I can't even think of those two together at all," he told me during his recent stop in Los Angeles for the launch of Catherine Hardwicke's Twilight: Director's Notebook. "Kristen has a boyfriend! It's onscreen and that's it."

Ashley Greene, aka Alice Cullen, says Pattinson and Stewart are, in a way, victims of their own success.

"Their chemistry is fantastic, but no, they are not in a romantic relationship," Greene said at the Twilight at Midnight DVD launch event at Hollywood's Hot Topic store. "They are good actors [is] basically what it comes down to."

She added, "That's kind of the advantage that we had on Twilight. Everyone has such great chemistry. With as big a cast as it was, and as young a cast as it was, we all just got along so fantastically."

And it sounds like all that feel-good camaraderie is already spilling over into New Moon. Greene said the cast is already getting in some bonding time off the clock. Peter Facinelli, who plays vampire patriarch Dr. Carlisle Cullen, recently had everyone over for dinner.

"He cooked pasta for all of us," Greene said. "We all came to his house and ate and drank and talked. It's a bizarre thing, because we kind of all looked at each other and were like, 'Sooo, what's your life been like?' It was fun."

Hairdo Duel: Taylor Lautner vs. Rob Pattinson

Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson

You probably knew that New Moon's wows-ville wolfboy Jacob, Taylor Lautner, lops off his locks for the Twilight sequel. Well, catch a first glance at his less-is-more look on the Vancouver set (above). Cue the wolf whistles! He's clearly a cutie.

But the shorn-mellon motif is obviously a trend, what with bat-tastic Rob Pattinson going the same short-and-sweet route recently. Hmmm, he also cleans up quite nicely.

Conundrum! Which of our yummy youngsters gets your blood pumping hotter? Take the poll below to let us know who how you feel?

biography of taylor swift


Taylor Swift

Country's Determined Darling

At 13, Taylor Swift, who began writing songs at age 5, signs with RCA Records. A year later, she gets out of the contract because she doesn't want to sing other writer's songs. Around that time, she becomes the youngest songwriter to sign a publishing deal with Sony – but doesn't want her songs sung by other artists. "She has a real inner vision, a real inner directedness," says Scott Borchetta, who eventually urges Swift to write and sing under a recording contract with his indie label, Big Machine Records.


Taylor Swift

Swift's "Tim McGraw"

Swift's breakout single, "Tim McGraw," which she began writing in her freshman math class, hits country radio airwaves. The song is about hoping her love thinks of her when he hears Tim McGraw's music. It peaks at No. 6 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. While performing her hit at the Academy of Country Music Awards in 2007, Swift finally meets McGraw when she walks into the audience to serenade McGraw and his wife, Faith Hill (right).

October 24

Taylor Swift

Taylor's Self-Titled Debut

Big Machine Records releases the 16-year-old's self-titled debut album. "I didn't come in to this to be baby-sat," Swift tells the AP about having creative control. She also says she isn't afraid of the tough country music industry: "Not by any measure. I'm intimidated by the fear of being average." Her debut eventually sells more than 2.5 million copies.


November 07

Taylor Swift

On CMA's Horizon

At the Country Music Association Awards, 17-year-old Swift performs her latest hit, "Our Song," before winning the coveted Horizon Award. "I can’t even believe that this is real," she says during her acceptance speech. "I want to thank God and my family for moving to Nashville so I could do this. The fans – you have changed my life. This is definitely the highlight of my senior year!" Past winners include Garth Brooks, The Dixie Chicks and Carrie Underwood.

Taylor Swift

December 06

Grammy Acclaim for Miss Swift

Called upon to help announce the Grammy nominations, Swift is ecstatic when she hears her own name in the category of Best New Artist. An ecstatic Swift rushes over to fellow announcers, Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl (left) and Taylor Hawkins, and hugs them. "Don't worry, Taylor," Grohl says, "you got it in the bag." At the ceremony, another talented singer-songwriter, the troubled Amy Winehouse, nabs the trophy.

Taylor Swift

December 13

Taylor Turns 18!

To ring in her milestone 18th birthday, Swift's parents, Andrea and Scott, throw her a pink party in Nashville. The birthday girl parties with some 200 guests, including Kellie Pickler. "This party is our birthday gift to her," her mother tells PEOPLE. "She knows the real gifts in life are relationships." But the best part about turning 18? "I wanted a No. 1 record, and I got that," Swift says of her chart-topper "Our Song." "And I got something I didn't even ask for: a Grammy nomination. It's been a great year."



Taylor Swift


Taylor Covers Blender

Swift appears on the cover of Blender, where she discusses her love life – or lack thereof. "I just don't have the time," Swift says of dating, revealing that she hasn't kissed a boy in almost two years. When asked about her dream prom date, she says, "Perez Hilton! Your prom date is supposed to be fun and hilarious, and I think I'd have more fun with Perez than with anyone else." The country music darling also lands on PEOPLE's Most Beautiful list.

Taylor Swift

April 14

Taylor Tops CMT Awards

At the fan-driven Country Music Television Awards, Swift – barefoot for most of the show – nabs two major prizes, including Video of the Year. "Are you sure? Are you serious?" Swift says in disbelief as she accepts her first award for Female Video of the Year. Of her lack of footwear, she later tells PEOPLE, "I walked by Faith Hill and I was like, 'This hurts so bad.' And she was like, 'Take them off,' Faith Hill told me to. So I did it."

Taylor Swift

May 18

This One's For Mama!

"Mom, thank you so much. I love you. This is for you!" Swift tells the crowd as she tearfully accepts the award for Top New Female Vocalist at the 2008 Academy of Country Music Awards. She also gives a dripping wet performance of "Should've Said No," during which water pours on her from the ceiling.

Taylor Swift


Taylor Dates A Jonas Brother

Although Swift says Joe Jonas, 19, is just a friend, the Jonas Brothers cutie fuels rumors when he turns up at her concert. Through her rep, Swift says of Jonas, "He's an amazing guy and anybody would be lucky to be dating him." While Jonas recently said, "She’s a great girl...I think anybody would love to go on a date with her." In October, they call it quits, and Swift writes a track, "Forever and Always," inspired by their breakup.

November 11

Taylor Swift


Swift's sophomore effort, Fearless, tops the Billboard charts with 592,000 copies sold in its first week. Rolling Stone calls Swift "a songwriting savant with an intuitive gift for verse-chorus-bridge architecture. If she ever tires of stardom, she could retire to Sweden and make a fine living churning out hits for Kelly Clarkson and Katy Perry." Fearless resides at No. 1 for more than six straight weeks.


Taylor Swift


Taylor Takes on Rolling Stone

Swift, 19, gets candid on the cover of Rolling Stone, where she says of sex, "I feel like whatever you say about whether you do or don't, it makes people picture you naked. And as much as possible, I'm going to avoid that." Of her love (and breakup) songs, she adds, "I love love. I love studying it and watching it. I love thinking about how we treat each other, and the crazy way that one person can feel one thing and another can feel totally different."